Accessories for Quattroflow Quaternary Pumps

Control Box
Variable speed controller with integrated key pad for manual speed control
Configurable for remote speed control with 4-20 mA analogue input
400 V, 3P for models QF4400/QF5050/QF20k (image right)
Hygienic 1.4301 housing, IP 54
Easy plug-and-play installation

Power Box
Plug-and-play installation
Protects system and pump from overpressure
Configurable pressure switch set point
Reset button
Should be used with pressure switch (also available)
For multiple-use models only

Diaphragm Sensor
Sensor installed in ring-drive unit
Detects all liquids
Signal output to a controller or an existing PLC if diaphragm is ruptured
PID Pressure Controller
Ideal for processes where the pump should be controlled to a defined pressure or flow rate (e.g. for filtration)
4-20 mA input for pressure or flow sensor
24 VDC voltage supply for sensors
Autotune function for optimization of PID parameters
0-5 VDC output signal for use with QF150 or QF1200CV (requires optional analogue input)
Configurable alarm set points for automatic shutoff
PID Controller Spec Sheet
Mounting Aid
Makes pump maintenance and chamber replacement easier
Available for QF10k and QF20k pump sizes